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Pets and Home Insurance: What You Need to Know

Many people consider their pets part of their family, so it just makes sense that pets might be included in some way on insurance. Many factors determine how pets and insurance affect each other. Here at Max Insurance LLC, serving Des Moines, IA, and the surrounding areas, we want you to understand all the insurance details to make good choices. Let’s learn about pets and insurance.

Is Loss of a Pet Covered Under Home Insurance?

Many types of policies will allow you to include the value of your pets on your homeowners’ policies. These are seen as personal possessions. However, you need to double-check this information with your particular provider.

Are Pet-Related Injuries on My Property Covered?

This is another important question. People are concerned not only with the possible loss of a pet during a fire or natural disaster but also with the liability of the pet injuring someone. This is a real risk and is especially concerning for certain breeds of pets. You will be liable for medical bills or expenses if your pet injures someone on your property.

You can get coverage that would include this type of liability, but the breed of animal may be a factor. You’ll want to sit down with an insurance professional to determine if your pet can be covered and how much coverage is available. You may also get coverage that would pay if the animal caused damage to someone else’s property.

If you’d like to learn more about insurance and pets, please contact us at Max Insurance LLC, serving Des Moines, IA, and the surrounding areas. We are happy to answer all of your questions today.