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The Importance of Regular Car Maintenance for Insurance Coverage

Filing claims is one of the quickest ways to see our auto insurance premiums increase. The more insurance companies pay out, the more we are charged for their services. Most auto accidents are just that—accidents. However, at Max Insurance LLC in Des Moines, IA, we notice that many accidents can be prevented with proper and regular vehicle maintenance.

Monitor Your Car’s Fluid Levels

Just as we need fluids to stay hydrated and function properly, our vehicles require the same to operate optimally. Regularly checking your oil, coolant, and transmission fluid can help critical parts of your engine function correctly, stay lubricated, and prevent sudden breakdowns on busy highways.

Monitoring your power steering and brake fluids can make braking and steering easier. It can also help prevent accidents that could have been avoided by braking or steering out of harm’s way.

Wheel Alignment and Tire Pressure Checks

Incorrect tire alignment can cause your car to veer off course, pulling you to one side and even creating vibrations while driving. This situation can be particularly dangerous, especially when traveling in inclement weather.

Regular tire pressure checks are essential. If the pressure is too high or low, it can affect your ability to steer and brake appropriately. It can also disrupt your vehicle’s stability and traction, both of which are crucial for safely navigating roadways, no matter their conditions.

Contact Us Today!

Don’t risk your safety or that of others. Regularly check your fluids, tires, and wheel alignment to ensure that you navigate the roadways safely and minimize the risk of accidents. If you have questions about car care tips or want to ensure your vehicle is adequately covered in a roadway incident, call us at Max Insurance LLC in Des Moines, IA. Our number is (515) 318-7178.

Four important resources to take advantage of when you need auto insurance

You need to choose the right auto insurance solution for your situation. At Max Insurance LLC, we’re here to assist you with all your auto insurance needs in Des Moines, IA.

Here are four important resources to take advantage of when you need auto insurance.

Online reviews

Look up online reviews for different insurance companies. Reviews are critical because they tell you if past customers have been happy with various insurance providers.

Online reviews provide valuable information on subjects like customer service and the claims filing process for different insurance companies that you may be considering buying from. 

Insurance company websites

If you’re interested in buying from a particular insurance company, be sure to look at that company’s website. Visiting an insurance provider’s website can provide you with the information you need on the different policy features offered by that company. 

Word-of-mouth references

Ask around if you’re in the market for auto insurance. Your friends and family members might be able to offer you a good recommendation.

If you know someone who has been satisfied by an insurance provider’s offerings, you’ll feel more confident about buying from them. 

Comparison websites

Insurance comparison websites can be great for getting a general idea of how much different insurance companies will charge you.

Remember that getting quotes and comparing offers from different insurance companies is essential. Therefore, you should put your information into a few comparison websites to find a competitive offer. 

When you’re in the market for auto insurance in Des Moines, IA, call us at Max Insurance LLC to get a quote on a policy. Insure your vehicle with us and enjoy confidence and peace of mind when you hit the road. 

Here’s What You’re Getting Wrong About Your Auto Insurance

Our team at Max Insurance LLC has seen many Des Moines, IA residents make mistakes about their car insurance. These are often minor issues that can be easily fixed. However, there are other problems that might be even more problematic. Here’s what you need to know here.

Not Reporting Accidents 

We get why you might not want to report accidents with your insurance company. It’s embarrassing and might seem unnecessary in minor incidents where no one is hurt. However, getting help from your insurance can ensure you are protected. Just as importantly, it can avoid legal issues. After all, if you try selling your vehicle with damage caused by unreported accidents, there could be legal consequences.

Modifying Your Car Improperly 

Do you like changing your car up with various upgrades, like new spoilers and engines? It’s okay to do that if you work with a licensed and insured professional. If you don’t? Well, that could actually void your insurance and cause real problems. Always work with an expert and avoid DIY modifications to minimize this issue.

Sticking to Long With a Policy 

It’s something that we’ve seen too many people do over the years to count: sticking with a policy far too long. Put simply, many people don’t change their policies and end up missing out on better options. We strongly recommend that you shop around regularly to make sure that you don’t miss out on anything. You can even let us know what kind of upgrades you’d like to make to get the help that you need.

Need Help? Let Us Know!

With the help of our crew at Max Insurance LLC, you can get the Des Moines, IA auto insurance you need and avoid making mistakes. It’s important to take this coverage seriously to ensure that you get the help you deserve. Contact us today to learn more about your available insurance options.

How much time do I have to purchase auto insurance after buying a car?

Des Moines, IA drivers may have a grace period where they can drive without insurance without incurring legal penalties. That means that during that time if you are caught driving without insurance, you will not have to pay a ticket or lose your license and registration.

However, the grace period is limited to certain situations and only lasts for a brief time. Max Insurance LLC can help you figure out what you need to do to make sure you are driving safely and legally.

If you are replacing a former vehicle with a new vehicle, your insurance company will allow you between a week and a month to add the new information. It never hurts to call your agent right away though to make sure that you understand the time limits and make sure you are safe. If you are driving a new vehicle and do not already have insurance, you will need to provide proof of insurance in order to drive on a public street or register your vehicle.

Even though Des Moines, IA drivers have a grace period for buying insurance, keep in mind that during this time period, you do not have protection if you are in an accident. You may also realize that the minimum amount of coverage required by law is not enough. If you want to have your own damages covered, you can also add additional comprehensive and collision protection.

Schedule A Consultation Today

Don’t forget that you are still responsible for anything that happens when you are operating a motor vehicle in Iowa, even during your grace period. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your auto insurance policy, please feel free to call Max Insurance LLC today.

What Happens if I Drop My Comprehensive Insurance Before My Car is Paid Off?

If you’re a Des Moines, IA resident and you’re currently making regular payments on a car that you’re financing, then you are required to maintain collision or comprehensive insurance on the vehicle for the life of the loan.

Comprehensive insurance is useful in case your vehicle were to become damaged due to inclement weather, vandalism, or in some other unfortunate event. Collision insurance covers damage incurred in a car accident. Since both collision and comprehensive insurance are costlier than general liability, you may have considered canceling your comprehensive coverage and opted for collision or even liability instead. You need to consider the consequences of doing so.

Comprehensive and Collision Aren’t Both Required

Most finance companies require you to maintain collision insurance on the vehicle at all times and comprehensive is just extra if you want additional peace of mind. So, if you currently have both types of insurance on your vehicle, then it’s okay to cancel your comprehensive. However, if you cancel both insurance and leave on liability, then your finance company could repossess your vehicle for breach of contract. You are also leaving your vehicle unprotected, which could end up being very costly for you. 

Collision Insurance is the Most Important 

While comprehensive insurance is very valuable insurance to have, collision coverage is more important. It’s a lot more likely that you will become involved in a car accident as opposed to your car becoming damaged by weather, vandalism, or some other non-accident type of incident. So, if you drop your comprehensive and switch to collision, then there should be no negative consequences. 

So, as you can see, comprehensive insurance isn’t quite as important as collision coverage. As long as you have collision insurance, most states, including Iowa, don’t require both comprehensive and collision insurance.

Reach Out To Us

We at Max Insurance LLC serve the Des Moines, IA area, and we will be happy to help you. If you’re looking for an insurance agency that goes above and beyond to ensure high-quality service and coverage, then give us a call so we can provide you with a quote for your auto insurance. 

Documents you should always carry in your vehicle

At Max Insurance LLC in Des Moines, IA we understand that each person has unique insurance needs, and we never use a one-size-fits-all approach. We get to know our customers so that we can better serve them by providing insurance that fits their personal needs. We work for you, and we will strive to get you the best coverage at a price that works for you. 

Documents you should always carry in your vehicle

Your vehicle registration

Your vehicle must be registered in the state of Iowa within 30 days of your moving to the state. You must register your vehicle in the county where you live, and if you change counties, you let the motor vehicle department know so that they can keep the records correct. In order to register your vehicle, you must have the title, a bill of sale, and a completed application. Your vehicle must also have a federal safety label. Keep your registration in the glove box or over your sun visor. 

Your insurance card

When you renew your auto insurance, you will receive an insurance card either through the mail or digitally. It has the carrier’s name, your name, the policy number, and the dates the policy is in effect. This proves that you have the required coverage for the state of Iowa. It should be kept where you can access it easily in the event you need to provide it to a police officer. 

Your driver’s license

You are required to always have your driver’s license on your person if you are driving a motor vehicle. You may not actually keep it in the vehicle, but it should be on you when you are driving. 

Need Auto Insurance? Reach Out To Us

Give our office a call. At Max Insurance LLC in Des Moines, IA, we provide a selection of carriers who can meet your particular needs for auto insurance. 

Safe driving tips for new drivers

It’s no surprise that driving can be intimidating for new drivers. While it is often exciting to be able to drive for the first time in Des Moines, IA, it is important for new drivers to keep safety in mind and practice safe driving habits.

Here are some tips for new drivers from your friends at Max Insurance LLC to stay safe on the road.

Safe driving tips 

1. Make sure you know the rules of the road.

Before hitting the road, review local laws about speed limits and other traffic regulations, such as passing lanes and stop signs. Knowing the rules of the road will help keep you safe and prevent any potential legal issues. 

2. Keep your eyes on the road at all times.

Don’t let yourself get distracted by your phone or passengers while behind the wheel. Focusing solely on your driving will help avoid potential hazards on the road and help you remain alert while driving. 

3. Wear a seatbelt at all times.

Wearing a seatbelt helps reduce your chances of being injured during an accident or collision, so make sure you buckle up before leaving your driveway! 

4. Follow speed limits closely and adjust your speed according to weather conditions.

Speeding is one of the leading causes of accidents each year, so it’s important to be aware of speed limits and adjust accordingly in bad weather conditions such as rain or snow storms if necessary. 

Auto Insurance Is Mandatory – Make Sure Your Policy Is Updated!

Following these tips can help ensure that new drivers stay safe on the roads and make their experience much less stressful overall! For more safe driving tips, give us a call at Max Insurance LLC today. We proudly serve the Des Moines, IA area.

I’ve Been in a Car Accident—What Should I Do?

After a car accident, it’s common to feel disoriented and confused. It’s important to know what to do to ensure everyone is safe and that you’re taking the necessary steps to protect your rights.

Here’s a quick guide on what to do if you’re involved in a car accident:

Check for Injuries and Seek Medical Attention

The first thing you should do after a car accident is to check for injuries. Even if you don’t think you’re hurt, it’s essential to get checked out by a medical professional as soon as possible. Often, injuries from car accidents don’t present themselves immediately. If passengers are in your vehicle, check on them and render aid if necessary. Once you’ve made sure everyone is okay, call 911 and wait for help to arrive. 

Exchange Information With the Other Driver

Once the police have arrived, it’s time to exchange information with the other driver. You’ll need their name, contact information, insurance information, and license plate number. If there are any witnesses at the scene, get their contact information. It’s also a good idea to take pictures of the damage to both vehicles and any visible injuries. 

Call Your Insurance Company

Once you’ve exchanged information with the other driver and gathered any additional evidence, it’s time to call Max Insurance LLC. Our representative will ask you for the same information you gave the other driver, so it’s helpful to gather it all together. They may also request additional questions about the accident itself or your injuries. 

Get Auto Insurance Today

Car accidents are never fun, but knowing what to do is essential if you experience a collision in Des Moines, IA, no matter the severity. By following these steps, you can ensure that everyone is safe and your rights are protected. Not sure if you have the right coverage? Contact Max Insurance LLC. We’re here to serve Des Moines, IA residents with guidance and support every step of the way.

I Only Drive Occasionally. Do I Still Need Auto Insurance?

According to research, the average American will spend about 290 hours driving each year. That’s a little over an hour each day. But what if you don’t drive every day? Maybe you only use your car for weekends or occasional errands. Do you still need auto insurance? This article will explore whether you need auto insurance if you don’t drive often. Max Insurance LLC in Des Moines, IA can help you navigate this important insurance coverage.

Why Car Insurance Is a Must Have

If you own a car, most states require you to have some form of auto insurance. Even if you don’t use your vehicle every day, it’s still considered a liability. If you get into an accident, your insurance will help cover the damages—whether it’s to another person, property, or both.

What Type of Auto Insurance Do You Need?

The type of insurance you need will vary from state to state. But in general, you’ll need at least liability coverage, which pays for damages if you’re at fault for an accident. If you have a loan or lease on your car, your lender will also require you to have collision and comprehensive coverage, which pays for damages to your own vehicle.

How Much Auto Insurance Do You Need?

The amount of auto insurance you need will also depend on your state’s requirements. But even if your state doesn’t require a certain type or amount of coverage, it’s still a good idea to have it. Why? Because if you cause an accident and don’t have enough insurance to cover the damages, you could be held liable for the rest of the costs.

Give Us A Call

If you only use your car occasionally, you may be able to get by with a minimal amount of coverage. But keep in mind that even if you don’t drive often, you’re still at risk of being in an accident. If you are, you’ll want to make sure you have enough coverage to protect yourself financially.

If you’re in the greater Des Moines, IA community, get in touch with us at Max Insurance LLC. We can help you find the right auto insurance for your needs. We’ll work with you to customize a policy that fits both your budget and your coverage requirements. Contact us today to get started.

What Are The Consequences Of Driving Without Auto Insurance?

It is costly to drive without insurance. While insurance can cost you thousands of dollars annually you may consider shopping for affordable deals. Compare costs from several insurance companies. You might also look into public assistance programs like government-sponsored insurance programs. 

Fines can include jail time, canceled licenses, or being fined according to the circumstances. When you get yourself in an accident and you don’t have the cover, your may risk your savings and assets. Max Insurance LLC in Des Moines, IA can help with your auto insurance queries. 

Without Insurance Comes With Many Risks 

Your insurance might go high if you’re at fault. Without coverage, you cannot take advantage of savings offered by your insurance company, such as usage-based policies, multi-policy discounts, or policy upgrades. You might be responsible for prices associated with injuries and damages. 

Whenever there’s an incidence and you don’t have the cover, the other driver’s insurance will only cover their portion of the damages. You will also not have the protection of an insurer if you cause an accident and cause serious injuries to another driver or their passengers. It doesn’t matter if you’re injured and the other partner isn’t insured. 

In case of an accident, you can get your license suspended and pay a large fine. In the worst case, it might cause serious injuries or even death to another driver or pedestrian if you are involved in a car accident. Uninsured drivers are viewed as a serious public risk, and they can be convicted as per the law. You’re responsible for the damages if your car is confiscated. It’s risky to drive when not covered and the consequential risks are high. You don’t want to stay unprotected until the bad day comes.

For help, call Max Insurance LLC – we serve Des Moines, IA and surrounding areas.